var layerdefs = { osm: { name: "OSM", js: [], init: function() {return new L.TileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {attribution: 'Map data © 2011 OpenStreetMap contributors'});}}, ymap: { name: "Yandex Map", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("map"); }}, ysat: { name: "Yandex Satellite", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("satellite"); }}, yhyb: { name: "Yandex Hybrid", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("hybrid"); }}, ypub: { name: "Yandex Народная", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("publicMap"); }}, ypubhyb: { name: "Yandex Народная Hybrid", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("publicMapHybrid"); }}, groad: { name: "Google Roadmap", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-google.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Google('ROADMAP'); }}, gter: { name: "Google Terrain", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-google.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Google('TERRAIN'); }}, gsat: { name: "Google Satellite", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-google.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Google('SATELLITE'); }}, ghyb: { name: "GoogleHybrid", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-google.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Google('HYBRID'); }}, broad: { name: "Bing Road", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-bing.js"], init: function() {return new L.BingLayer("AoVD7gldfmz4FBxlPuohF5U2vJQQYSeXT4osdLz3Ce6iKZGSSCAop9nHUCMWvdxP", {type:'Road'});}}, baer: { name: "Bing Aerial", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-bing.js"], init: function() {return new L.BingLayer("AoVD7gldfmz4FBxlPuohF5U2vJQQYSeXT4osdLz3Ce6iKZGSSCAop9nHUCMWvdxP", {type:'Aerial'});}}, baerlab: { name: "Bing Aerial With Labels", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-bing.js"], init: function() {return new L.BingLayer("AoVD7gldfmz4FBxlPuohF5U2vJQQYSeXT4osdLz3Ce6iKZGSSCAop9nHUCMWvdxP", {type:'AerialWithLabels'});}}, mqst: { name: "MapQuest", js: [], init: function() {return new L.TileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {attribution:'Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest '});}}, traffic: { name: "Пробки", js: ["/skin/leaflet/leaflet-yandex.js", ""], init: function() {return new L.Yandex("null", {traffic: true, opacity: 0.8, overlay: true}); }, overlay: true}, mso: { name: "Mapsurfer", js: [], overlay: true, init: function() {return new L.TileLayer('{x}&y={y}&z={z}');}}, kosmo: { name: "Космоснимки", js: [], init: function() {return new L.TileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {attribution:'Tiles Courtesy of'});}} };