Головні ворота Лаври з Троїцькою церквою над ними • Троицкая надвратная церковь Лавры

Rating :
attractions / architecture
attractions / religious, religious building of worship for / church, temple, house of prayer
Ukraine, Kyivs'ka oblast', city Kyiv (Kiev)
улица Лаврская
- 50.434699000000 30.555056000000

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- until the 20th century
- до 30 минут
- бесплатный на часть экспозиций, 0.00 (украинская гривна)

Suitable place for: family with children over 10 years; a family with children under 10 years; one visit, a trip to one; tour in the city / promenade; quiet place to stay

Suitable for hobbies: travel / tourism; sightseeing; history; photo; religion

Place was added by:
2015-05-26, 16:39
Last changes of information:
2015-05-26, 17:04
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